Hi Davida,
We met at the WPF meeting last Friday and you gave me a sample of Schmear. Well, all I can say is “Schmear is schmarvelous”!! I love it and my hair looks the way I try and get it to look every day–great curls, no frizz.
My fiancee is sick of hearing me say, “Doesn’t this stuff make my hair look great?” HAHA… Now, my hair will look FANTASTIC when I do my Dr. Sue’s 50+ Dating Workshops & Groups : )​
Best, Sue Mandel
Hi Davida,
I thought this was so funny. I just got a haircut and my wonderful goyish husband (Paul Brokken) said, don’t forget to use “Jew Fro”, it makes your hair so shiny.!!
I thought that was a riot. He’ll never call the product Kosher Kurls for now on.
I just ordered my first bottle.
Thanks Again, Robbie
My name is Linda and I am the daughter of Kathy whom you’ve met. My mom met you recently at a Na’amat function where she spoke with you about your hair products. You gave her a sample and she sent it to me to try out.
I would like to tell you THANK YOU for creating this product. I have never been one to use leave in conditioners for fear that it would not hold my curls enough, but you have changed my life and perspective.
I took a picture and sent it to my mom to show you the next time she sees you. I live in New York and swear that your product would do wonders over here. I think it beats Bumble and Bumble and Moroccan Oil! I’ve already been promoting your product to friends and would love nothing more then to see your line in every store!
If you do not have PR yet, I have a wonderful friend who I would love to introduce you too. She has mad a name for herself in Los Angeles and is a dear friend of mine.
Anyway, THANK YOU again for such an amazing product and if there is anything I can do to get your name out, just say the word!
All The Best, Linda
My girlfriend and I picked up a sample at the New York gift show this last august. It is the only hair product she uses now. One of my girlfriends has “”Kosher Kurls” on her head and this will be a Hanukah present for her. I’m Italian/catholic but I like the way you only have to use a little and your hair doesn’t feel stiff. And there you go.
Happy Holiday, Barb
The way I found out about Kosher Kurls at the International Gift fair in San Fransisco. I was there shopping with my mom and as we walked past your booth the lady’s inside noticed my long wavy hair and approached me.
They had beautiful wavy hair and explained about the Kosher Kurls to us. After which I explained I had just been diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and was starting chemo in the next month, so by by my beautiful hair. And without missing a beat they put 2 sample tubs in my hand and gave me hope by giving me a hug & telling me that I should use it when my hair grew back.
They gave me hope by being positive and gave me something to look forward to doing when my hair grew back. I am currently in remission as of 4 months!! I started using the Kosher Kurls on my very fine baby hair as its been growing back and I LOVE it so much.
Its not heavy, it feels better than other conditioners, gels and I love how soft it keeps my hair! So thank you for hope and thank you for providing the care I need to help my hair grow, because I feel like my hair just soaks it up like crazy, each time I put it on my hair feels healthier and stronger.
With Love & Thanks, Rachel